I Saw the Second One Hit

3-12 September 2015
I Saw the Second One Hit.
Young people born as the towers fell reflect on the world in which we live Fourteen years ago two planes flew into two towers, and like Romulus and Remus millennia ago, ignited a battle over western civilisation. Was 9/11 the beginning of the end, or just another day? President Bush said of the attack that “night fell on a different world”. As the towers fell in New York, twin girls were born in suburban Australia. I saw the second one hit asks us to take a look at this different world that these twins, now teenagers, inhabit: their beliefs, their fears, their politics and their calisthenics.
Concept and Direction / Clare Watson
Cast / Juliette and Madeleine Hemphill
Lighting Design / Richard Vabre
Sound Design and Composition / Russell Goldsmith
Design Consultant / Andrew Bailey
Assistant Director / Katy Maudlin
Dramaturg / Kate Prior
Photo Credit / Hermione Merry and Richard Chambers

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