St Martins Heartened by Federal Funding Boost

PRESS RELEASE: for immediate release. Tuesday 19 November 2024
St Martins welcomes Creative Australia’s announcement of its pilot Two-Year Program for Organisations and is immensely encouraged to be a recipient for 2025 –2026.
Nurturing and emboldening the next generations of artists through its productions, workshop programs and venues, St Martins is a fierce advocate for the elevation of young people’s voices in the community and as future leaders in the arts and beyond.
Artistic director and CEO, Nadja Kostich said: “We are heartened and grateful to the Australian Government for this additional investment to Creative Australia and for the positive impacts this support will have on the diverse young people St Martins reaches, now and in the future. It underpins the relevance of our role in the sector as part of a larger matrix of independent theatre companies devoted to providing creative career pathways. Government multi-year investment is key to achieving organisational continuity. However, further urgent work remains, both for St Martins and our sector, to secure more resources for ongoing stability, ensuring the arts enrich and reflect Australian people and life well into the future.”
Bolstered by this federal endorsement, St Martins again turns to its supporters in our end-of-year fundraising campaign. Kostich explains: “We hope this validation in a competitive environment inspires confidence in our donors whose support remains integral to our success. As the unpredictability of the last few years on a global level has proved, to flourish, we must remain vigilant in generating diverse funding. Therefore, St Martins must continue to raise funds independently and is inviting our community to support St Martins’ essential work by donating to our current If I could, I would… campaign.”
For further information, please contact
Artistic Director and CEO, Nadja Kostich