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St Martins workshops focus on acting, performance, building creative skills and, most importantly, play! We’re inclusive and collaborative with your young people and can’t wait to create together! For all enrolment enquiries, please e-mail 


Term 1  |   Week starting 3 February – 5 April
Term 2  | 
Week starting 28  April – 28 June
Term 3  |  Week starting 21 July – 20 September
Term 4  |  Week starting 6 October – 13 December


We offer the first two weeks of each term as a fully refundable trial period for the workshop. Next available at the beginning of Term 2.

For further information, please contact: 

2025 Workshop Fees  

All workshops are $449 per term. 

If you are feeling stretched to the limits, we encourage you to apply for financial assistance via our scholarship program

If you would like to further chat about workshop payments, please do get in touch:



Behaviour Policy 

St Martins is committed to promoting and protecting the best interests of young people involved in its programs. All young people, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, neurodiversity, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to feel safe. We have a zero tolerance approach to any verbal, aggressive and violent behaviour towards our staff, workshop artists and participants. Anyone exhibiting threatening behaviour will be asked to leave the workshop for their safety and that of others and follow up action will be taken with parents/guardians. We may be required to reassess your child’s place in the workshop on a case by case basis.  

* Should your child have specific behavioural triggers, please advise us upon enrolment. 

Term 2 Enrolments

Click create an account if you have never enrolled via this website. You will get an email from WordPress after enrolment to create your account password. Use existing account for re-enrolment or if you’ve donated previously and have an account.

Enrolments are currently closed, join our mailing list and we will let you know when they re-open for next term!