To assist in another 40 years of creating stories with young people, please consider joining our newly-launched patron program, St Martins Village!
Thank you.
Enormous gratitude to our major funders Creative Victoria, Australia Council for the Arts, City of Melbourne and the multitude of philanthropics that smooth our way. Thank you to each and every one of our young people who attend our workshops across all of our sites in real life and digitally, especially in this extraordinary year and in all of the years past. Thank you to the parents and families of these young people for enabling, supporting and cheering their young people on.
A big, big shout out to all the St Martins artists – you are intrepid, curious, fun, talented artists and humans. Bows and salutations to the amazing St Martins team who works at 100kph behind the scenes with love and good humour. Massive thank yous to our Board who does the hard unglamorous yards that keep us all afloat and the company torch alight. And last but not least thank you to you, our audiences and our supporters. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.
Thank you to Monash Uni Student Theatre and John Frankland for the use of equipment.
Feel free to view our relaxed running order as you view the performance. If there is anything unclear, or difficult to read please get in touch and we’ll send you a plain text document.
Nadja Kostich – Artist Director
Katrina Cornwell – Artistic Associate
Kerry O’Sullivan – Executive Director
Emily Barrie – Designer
Justin Gardam – Production Manager
Jason Cheetham – Videography and Marketing
Tom Middleditch – Inclusion Coordinator
Laura Du Vé – Photography
Alex Matsoukas – 40:40 Producer
Julie Blyth – Venue Manager
Chuck Martin – Venue Technician
Hosts – Eve Yu Feng and Jackson Reid